Fighting Words: Alexa Grasso

Mexican Strawweight Alexa Grasso brings her devastating knockout power to the Invicta FC cage September 6th, when she duels with Ashley Cummins at Invicta FC 8.


Corey Smith: What brought about your interest in Martial Arts? What did you first study?
Alexa Grasso: My uncle is a fighter, so I watched him training and he motivated me. I first started learning Muay Thai.


CS: MMA in Mexico appears to be gaining in popularity. How would you describe the MMA community in Mexico?
AG: The MMA community in Mexico is huge, we have many great academies, great promotions, and we support and are always on the lookout for all those fighters who go on to the big leagues. It gives us pride!
AG: Also many Mexicans are starting to know more about the sport, and I think that the new TUF LATIN AMERICA program is a great step in Mexico.


CS: You possess rare knockout power for a Strawweight. How much do you depend upon that, and are you ready to showcase other areas of your skill set?
AG: In my last fights I have been able to finish that way, but I don’t only depend on that, I am ready to show all my skills.


CS: This will be your first bout outside of Mexico. Do you believe fighting in a new country will add any stress to your routines?
AG: I know this will be something really new for me, but to be honest, I have been dreaming to fight in Invicta FC since the very first time I saw videos about the league, so I will leave my heart in the cage that day.


CS: This will also mark your Invicta FC debut. How has your experience been with the company so far?

AG: I feel so proud and thankful to be part of Invicta, like I said before, this is my dream and I will be doing my best to fulfill it.


CS: Your opponent on September 6th, Ashley Cummins, will be fighting very close to her hometown. What are you expecting out of yourself and your opponent in the bout?
AG: We looked forward to this day so it will be an amazing night. We will both give you the best of us.


CS: What is your mood on fight night? Do you have any routines or superstitions that you have to perform?
AG: I do not have any rituals, I just like listening to music, warming up and reminding myself how much I worked to achieve my goal.


CS: Who generally accompanies you to the cage? What type of feedback and coaching do you prefer from your corners?
AG: My uncle, my dad and an awesome friend, cause they are my trainers. I love when they say to enjoy the fight and how long we have been waiting for this day!


CS: Aside from fight preparation, how much MMA do you watch purely for enjoyment?
AG: I like watching MMA fights and Jiu Jitsu tournaments some weekends, or if Ronda Rousey will be fighting.


CS: Outside of the gym and MMA, what types of activities do you enjoy for fun? What helps you to relax?
AG: Outside MMA, I study, so I like to do my homework or reading. And if I have some free time I like to watch funny movies or have a walk in my lovely city.


CS: Lastly, MMA takes a team to succeed alone inside the cage. Who would you like to thank?
AG: I am very, very thankful first to Francisco Grasso, Luis Grasso and Tito Castro, and all my LOBO GYM and SAMURAI FC teammates because without them I wouldn’t be who I am now.
AG: Thanks to my sponsors who have been taking care of my health every day, and everyone who have helped me in this awesome trip!


Invicta FC 8 takes place September 6th live from the Municipal Auditorium in Kansas City, Missouri. The full card will air live via UFC Fight Pass. Click below for tickets, or to subscribe to UFC FightPass.









Fighting Words: Charmaine Tweet

September 6th 2014 will mark the debut of the Invicta FC 155lb division, with Canadian Charmaine Tweet one half of the equation at Invicta FC 8.
Finally stepping into the cage with a rival has it’s own reward, but Tweet remains focused on capturing the first win of the 155lb division at Invicta FC 8.


Corey Smith: During the layoff, you kept yourself busy with a Victory in May.  How important was it for you to not allow ring rust to set in?
Charmaine Tweet: I never really think about ring rust, for me it is more about attaining my goal of having at least one fight per quarter.  I have yet to achieve that goal, as I am averaging three fights per year, but I love to fight and the more often I can, the happier I am. One of the things I love about being with Invicta is that I am able to fight for other promotions here in Canada, so long as what I am doing does not interfere with any Invicta bouts I have scheduled.


CS: MMA in Canada is virtually as popular as it in the United States.  Are there major differences in the MMA communities in the United States and Canada?
CT: I would say that the MMA community in Canada is pretty much the same as it is in the States, except our fighters say “eh” a lot more and wear “gotch” instead of underwear.   All kidding aside, it is very similar in that we train hard and fight hard!
CT: It is a very tight knit community and when you fight on a card here, chances are you are fighting on the same card as someone you know, and even though they may be from another province the two of you have most likely fought on other cards together in the past.  There are the inevitable rivalries between competing gyms and training centers…

CS: With training camp injuries a common occurrence in MMA, how do you balance getting the full amount of training that you require but still guard against injury?
CT: I choose my training partners wisely…
CT: There are people with whom I will train when I am not in fight camp, but politely turn down in the midst of a camp.  I try not to come off as a diva but, since I know that there are people that I’m more likely to get injured training with, my health and safety are my primary concern.  Obviously, things happen and you can’t avoid all injuries, but I feel it is unfair to my opponent if I sustain an injury that could have been avoided but making wise training choices.


CS: This bout will mark the opening of the 155lb division in Invicta FC.  Does that hold any special meaning for you?  How much of a difference will it make to be fighting at 155 compared to 145?
CT: I feel that it is ground breaking for a promotion that has a viewing platform as prominent as UFC Fight Pass to be debuting a heavier weight class and I am so proud to be part of it.  I have said for years that there is so much talent out there that doesn’t get to showcase their stuff because they cannot cut to 145lbs.
CT: I think this is a stepping stone to bringing in more divisions above 155lbs, which I feel is important because, in my personal opinion, cutting anything more than a few pounds to make a certain division is detrimental to a fighter’s health and to the strength of their fighting performance.  I truly feel that if we can put an end to these crazy weight cuts we are going to see stronger more exciting fights.  Stronger and more exciting pretty much describes the difference fighting at 155lbs will make compared to 145lbs!



CS: Your opponent on September 6th, Veronica Rothenhausler, and you have engaged in quite the war of words before the fight was announced; how important was it to you to step into the cage with Veronica?
CT: Let’s just put it this way, it’s time for this old dog to teach the young pup a thing or two!


CS: What is your mood on fight night?  Do you have any routines of superstitions that you have to perform?
CT: On fight night, I think the best way to describe me is a focused calm before the storm.  I have never had a pre-fight ritual, but do have a couple of superstitions.  I will not wear any article of clothing that I have worn in a fight which I have lost, nor will I walk in to the same ring music.  So, unfortunately, as much as I love “Fatty Boom Boom”, by Die Antwoord, I will not be walking into it on September 6th.


CS: Who generally accompanies you to the cage?  What type of feedback and coaching do you prefer from your corners?
CT: Lol, a lot of the time who I have in my corner depends on who, out of my coaches, can get time off from their day job.  In a perfect world I like to have a striking coach and a Jiu Jitsu coach.  My coaches are the eyes in the back of my head, they get an overall view of what is happening in the cage and I like to have them point out the stuff that I might not be cueing on when I am in trouble in a match.
CT: I like them to tell me very little if what I am doing is working because if they are constantly telling me which move to make, they may as well be coaching my opponent on how to counter me.


CS: Most fans love to give fighters advice before a fight.  What is the best advice you have ever received before a fight?
CT: I honestly can’t remember, I am usually so focused on the game plans my coaches set out for me.  The best advice any local fans could give me in the future would be the best place to eat or the coolest sites to see while I am in their city. ;)


CS: Aside from fight preparation, how much MMA do you watch purely for enjoyment?
CT: Oooh, you caught me on this one.  Unless I have a vested interest, for instance if there is an Invicta Card on, or there is someone I know personally, or someone I really want to see lose (read Rhonda Rousey) fighting, I actually watch very little MMA purely for enjoyment.  However, when it comes to sports, I have always been like that; I would much prefer to be competing myself or training than sitting and watching.


CS: Outside of the gym and MMA, what types of activities do you enjoy for fun?  What helps you to relax?
CT: When I have some down time, which is rare, I like to read books and watch movies with my husband.  In addition, I LOVE to watch my kids in the activities they compete in; football and basketball for my youngest son and wrestling for my oldest.


CS: Lastly, MMA takes a team to succeed alone inside the cage.  Who would you like to thank?
CT: I would first and foremost like to thank my coaches and all of the people are helping me prepare for Invicta 8: Jeff Wiley, Nolan Collar, Deryl Bangsund,  Myke Yee, Moses Ali, and Dan McGee.
CT: Things would be greatly amiss if I did not give a huge shout out to my Husband/ Manager Cord Crowthers; he does so much for me and for the sport of WMMA!
CT: In addition I send much gratitude out to the women who attended our “Eve-olution” training camp in June: Maureen “Baby Face” Riordan (keep an eye out for her in my corner on Sept 6th!), Roma “Panther” Pawelek, Summer “Critter” Bradshaw, Jackie Baker, Angel Anderson, Carly Short and Heather Wilson.  It was amazing having these talented women up in Regina to train with.  I have made some really good friends through this experience.
CT: I also send much love and many thanks out to my sponsors: London Jacks Authentic British Fish and Chips, Stellar Gear ,Misfit Made ,X-ion-X, and  King Eddie and MMA Comix.
CT: Also PSCR – Shawn Burdette The Computer Guy, Canada Whey, Comtech, and Weyburn Jiffy Lube.
CT: And of course I have to thank my family, friends and fans for their continued support.



Invicta FC 8 takes place September 6th live from the Municipal Auditorium in Kansas City, Missouri. The full card will air live via UFC Fight Pass. Click below for tickets, or to subscribe to UFC FightPass.









Fighting Words: Veronica Rothenhausler

Making her second appearance in the Invicta FC cage September 6th, Veronica Rothenhausler will open the newly minted 155lb division with a grudge matach against Charmaine Tweet.

After engaging in a war of words over the past few months, both athletes are ready to settle the score, and claim the first win in the 155lb division.


Corey Smith: You will be part of the very first 155lb divisional bout at Invicta FC 8 this September, what are the advantages of a higher weight class for you?

Veronica Rothenhausler: Well, having my liver fully functional will be nice. Those extra ten pounds are going to be huge for me. 155 is where I belong.


CS: You train at Team Alpha Male, which has had a very successful run as of late. What is the team atmosphere like there?

VR: Team Alpha Male has been the place to be, not just as of the last few months but the years leading up to them as well. It’s so great to come into the gym and be surrounded with bad ass athletes of all sizes. We work harder than anybody and have a great time doing it. We all have the same end goal so it makes it easy to flow.


CS: Your upcoming bout will end a long layoff for you. Are you concerned with ring rust?

VR: Hell no. I’ve been training for this fight for a year and a half. No rust here.


CS: What does a typical day of training camp entail for you?

VR: I have a different schedule every day of the week. I usually have 2-3 training sessions a day as well as getting in my cardio.


CS: What helps keep you focused during a long training camp?

VR: I wanna be the champ.  I know it takes blood and sweat to get there so lets do it.


CS: Most fighters list the weight cut as the hardest aspect of being a fighter. Setting that aside, what do you consider the hardest aspect of being a fighter?

VR: Unfortunately, setting the weight cut aside isn’t an option!


CS: Your opponent at Invicta FC 8, Charmaine Tweet, and yourself have engaged in a rather heated war of words leading up to September 6th. How excited are you to step into the ring with her?

VR:  Haha. Very.

CS: What is your mood on fight night?

VR: I feel calm before a fight. Just like, let’s do this shit. I like to be present in every second and really soak it in.

CS: Do you have any routines or superstitions that you have to perform?

VR: Yes. I grew up being a ball player so I definitely have some pre fight superstitions.

CS: Who generally accompanies you to the cage?

VR:  I’ll have Danny Castillo with me this time, but my boys always have my back.

CS: Outside of the gym and MMA, what types of activities do you enjoy for fun? What helps you to relax?

VR: I like to play the guitar and play with our dogs. My man, Zach and I also enjoy spending time in our garden. Not only is it relaxing, but harvesting all of our delicious fruits and veggies is very rewarding.

CS: Lastly, MMA takes a team to succeed alone inside the cage. Who would you like to thank?

VR: Everybody at TAM, MMA Inc Management, my friends and family for being so supportive, Faber for showing me what it’s like to be a boss, and I’d like to thank Shannon and Invicta for being awesome.

Invicta FC 8 takes place September 6th live from the Municipal Auditorium in Kansas City, Missouri. The full card will air live via UFC Fight Pass. Click below for tickets, or to subscribe to UFC FightPass.










Fighting Words: Jodie Esquibel

Learning to stay in the moment, Jodie Esquibel returns to the Invicta cage September 6th at Invicta FC 8 against newcomer Jinh Yu Frey in an Atomweight showdown.

Corey Smith: After a lengthy boxing career, you eventually made the transition over to MMA. What keeps you competing in MMA?
Jodie Esquibel: My last fight was actually a boxing match. I took the boxing match trying to work on my hands for my MMA style. So I fought the boxing match as if I was fighting a MMA fight. So you could say that I am more focused on MMA right now. It’s where I’m at in my career.
JE: I’ve fought overseas boxing, and I’ve fought the big title fight out of the country. I just feel like I am super motivated and on the right track as far as my MMA career goes. I’m fighting for Invicta, and it’s the best women’s organization, if not the best organization for MMA right now. So I’m exactly where I need to be, and focusing on MMA.


CS: You have trained at Jackson’s/Winkeljohn’s since before they were one gym. What types of changes has the gym and team gone through over the years?
JE: It’s a great change. Things are only getting better.  With the coaching staff, we have brought on more coaches, and I have more training partners now that we are merged into one gym. I train with the best guys in the world. It doesn’t necessarily mean that I am sparring with Jon Jones or the Andrei Arlovski’s or Alistair Overeems. But they stay after practice, and we sit down and they say “hey you dropped your right hand.” Are you kidding me? To be able to have that knowledge in the gym, and merge as one big family has been great.
JE: We plan on moving into a bigger facility in the next year or two. Mike Winkeljohn has a big part to do with that, and how we stay on top of our game with conditioning, strength, and recently he has become a big advocate for fighter safety. I’m just lucky.


CS: With training camp injuries a common occurrence in MMA, how do you balance getting the full amount of training that you require but still guarding against injury?
JE: It’s hard. Training accidents are going to happen. The cool thing is, we are a big family here, and so I trust my training partners. If some freak accident happens in training camp, than oh well, we will figure it out. We go hard though, and I trust them, we trust each other.
JE: We are just careful; we are not a bunch of newbies coming up trying to just knock each other’s heads off. We are really technical, and we can take it to the edge and be technical, but still be safe. That’s most important.


CS: What were your first thoughts when the content distribution deal was announced between the Invicta FC and UFC FightPass?
JE: I thought it was great! I knew to just stay positive throughout the layoff. I believe in Shannon, and I believe in Julie. I knew they were going to figure out what they needed, and what was going to be the best for us. So I put my faith in them, and we came out with the UFC FightPass deal. It’s unbelievable. Shannon has been providing that platform for the fighters, and now we have an even bigger platform than before. It’s great. It’s amazing.


CS: You last fought in April of 2013 for Invicta FC. How do you combat any concerns of ring rust after such a long layoff?
JE: No. Not really. I am excited to get back in there. A punch is a punch. Once the gloves start to fly, it will shake off. It hasn’t been that long in my eyes, and I was very active during the layoff, spending the time to get better. I don’t feel like it was a super long layoff, and I am not worried about that at all.


CS: On September 6th you will square off against Jinh Yu Frey at Invicta FC 8. What are you expecting out of yourself and your opponent that night?
JE: I think it’s a great matchup. I think I’ve said it before if stylistically you match up well then you expect a battle. I think she is great, and it is a great matchup. I don’t really pay attention to my opponent. There is nothing that I can change about how they are preparing.
JE:  I’m just assuming she is going to train as hard as she can. It’s her first Invicta fight, and that’s a big motivation. I’m just going to train as hard as I can, and get myself to a point where I can perform at my best.


CS: What is your mood on fight night? Do you have any routines or superstitions that you have to perform?
JE: You know what? I did earlier on in my amateur career. I always had to have my right hand taped first, or something like that. My mood is calm; I’m trying to conserve energy. I’m about to go max effort, and try to win this extremely tough athletic competition before the night is up. So to me, to expel extra energy is useless.
JE: I like to stay calm, and I like to stay cool and just hang out. I don’t like the idea of superstitions because you don’t want anything to mess with you.  Say Stitch accidentally does your left hand before your right, and then you freak out. You are already in a high stress environment, you are about to get punched in the face. Anything you can alleviate is better, so just go with it. Enjoy the journey, and try to stay away from superstitions.


CS: Who generally accompanies you to the cage? What type of feedback and coaching do you prefer from your corners?
JE: I work very closely with striking coach Brandon Gibson, and of course Mike Winkeljohn, along with Greg Jackson. Lucky for me, I have Keith Jardine in my corner too. Keith usually flies out with me, but the coaches come out later. I guess that’s too many corners, but who’s counting right? I am super lucky. It’s crazy to even say. Greg Jackson and Mike Winkeljohn are legends. Brandon Gibson is one of the best striking coaches in the world. And I have them all in my corner. Are you kidding me? I’m super lucky.
JE: I didn’t think that it would be this way, but I can hear Keith’s voice very clearly. Greg is unbelievably clear, and they all work so well together that no one is ever yelling over anybody. They are just simply talking. I can hear what they are calling out. I always thought that I wouldn’t be able to hear Keith, because I hear him every single day at the house, but he is very clear to me. I trust his voice, so that helps me too.
JE: In the very beginning it was hard for me to take direction from Keith, which it shouldn’t have been because he is a legend himself and so smart. Sometimes it’s just hard to hear your significant other tell you “hey you are dropping your right hand.” In my head I think “you don’t know, I was tired or whatever.” But he does know, and he’s been there.
JE: I just had to get over my own ego to benefit from what he was offering. He is just a wealth of knowledge, and I am lucky to just get over myself. I ask him to watch me spar or how I got taken down that day, and that’s our conversation over dinner.


CS: Fighters seem to be split on the benefits of being in a relationship with a fellow fighter. What do you believe the advantages are?
JE: I think it’s good. It’s fun to have someone that understands the weight cut, and understands the ups and downs of camp. I got my ass kicked today, and I want to talk about it. If you haven’t fought competitively in a combat sport, you don’t know what it feels like. You don’t know the feelings. Team sports are a lot different, football players, its different when you get in there by yourself.
JE:  And to have someone that understands that, it’s huge. Especially to have someone that has competed at the highest level that there is, I’ve benefited from that.


CS: Most fighters list the weight cut as the hardest aspect of being a fighter. Setting that aside, what do you consider the hardest aspect of being a fighter?
JE: I think just finding that balance. I think a lot of us over commit ourselves to training, or miss family events. And maybe it’s just now because I am getting older and I’ve been fighting for a long time that I look back on some things that maybe I didn’t have balance.  Missing birthdays or what not just because you are training or in camp. We put our whole lives on hold for eight to ten weeks and just involve ourselves in training if we have the opportunity to fight.
Finding that balance is really hard. It’s hard for young fighters, and it’s hard when you are at the end of your career. It’s a hard thing to do. Finding symmetry in your life, finding things outside of fighting that you enjoy as well. I feel like I’ve done that this last year and I feel like I’ve been able to enjoy camp a little more.
JE: Enjoy the journey, more than just the end. Look past the grueling camp, and just enjoy every single day of it. It’s super important. Before you know it, no matter how many boxing matches or MMA fights you have, you don’t want it to be a blur. Just enjoy the ride, and be present in every single moment.  Every single bad day, every single loss. Don’t brush anything off. We are on this amazing journey that not a lot of people get to have, and I’m just trying to find that balance. But it’s hard.


CS: Lastly, MMA takes a team to succeed alone inside the cage. Who would you like to thank?
JE: My team. Without out all my teammates, male or female, I wouldn’t be here. We have a great team here, and I am blown away by the talent that we have.
JE: The coaching staff, which is of course Greg Jackson, Mike Winkeljohn, and Brandon Gibson.
JE: Gracie Barra, Professor Barata and Professor Ortega have all opened their Gracie school for me.
JE: Caveman Coffee for always keeping me fueled. FightChix collaborated with me on the shirt, which is super cool because I’ve never had a shirt before. FightChix jumped on board, and I am super excited to be working with them.
JE: My family, who puts up with me. My mom and my dad have been my rock, my solid.
JE: Keith has always been in my corner.
JE: My team, my coaches. I am blown away by how selfless that they are, and I am humbled by it all. Except for Ike Vallie Flagg.


Invicta FC 8 takes place September 6th live from the Municipal Auditorium in Kansas City, Missouri. The full card will air live via UFC Fight Pass. Click below for tickets, or to subscribe to UFC FightPass.









Fighting Words: Jinh Yu Frey

When your knockout win is viewed over 2 million times, finding an opponent can become a difficult thing, but Jinh Yu Frey believes those struggles are behind her with her debut at Invicta FC 8  September 6th against Jodie Esquibel.

Corey Smith: Like many others, you initially entered into the world of martial arts for the fitness aspect. What caught your attention and kept it in regards to martial arts?
Jinh Yu Frey: I’m a very competitive person and martial arts are the epitome of competition.


CS: Most of your immediate family has a history with martial arts. How do they feel about your fighting career?
JYF: Everyone has been really supportive. My older brother has actually started fighting as well, and my nephew competes in Jiu Jitsu. My niece just turned 5, and I believe she wants to start Jiu Jitsu too.


CS: Speaking of careers, you manage to fight professionally, maintain a career, and pursue an MBA. How do you balance all three aspects of your life?
JYF: I don’t know myself sometimes. Some days are pretty crazy. I just have to be a diligent steward of my time because I don’t get a lot of free time. Luckily, I have a very supportive husband who understands what the demands on my time are. He does most of our house work and prepares most of my meals for me. He also helps set my training schedule for the week.
JYF: Recently, he purchased wrestling mats for our guest bedroom so that we can do extra drilling at home. My work is usually pretty easy going about my fighting and gives me time off when I need it.
JYF: In the MBA program I attend, most of it is group work and my classmates have been generous in doing a little extra when I can’t and vice versa. To sum it up, I think I am just blessed to be surrounded by such supportive people.


CS: Fighting was also responsible for your marriage to your husband. How did that come about?
JYF: I was helping a team mate with her weight cut and was there to support her for her pro debut which also just happened to be on a card that my future husband was fighting on as well. After the fights everyone was out celebrating and we hit it off pretty well, even though he had been hitting on my little sister at the weigh ins. (He swears he thought I was with someone, so he hit on her)


CS: In just your second professional bout, you scored what many considered the best knockout in all of MMA for 2013 against Darla Harris. The KO went on to become a viral sensation. What was that experience like for you?
JYF: It was pretty surreal to see the extent at which it blew up. I wouldn’t by any means call myself famous, but I am still blown away by the attention my fighting has garnered. I’ve actually been on another continent and met someone who has seen it.


CS: The video also caused problems for you in regards to finding willing opponents. Do you believe that will still be a problem in Invicta FC? How has your experience been like thus far with the company?
JYF: Not at all. Invicta FC has been great. They are extremely professional and I think the long wait will be well worth it.


CS: Your opponent on September 6th, Jodie Esquibel, has had a slightly longer career, and brings a wealth of knowledge with her via Jackson’s MMA. What are you expectations of yourself and your opponent in the bout?
JYF: I think I’m taking a big leap in competition in accepting a bout with Jodie. She has quite a bit of experience and a lot of ring savvy. She comes from a very strategic camp and is a very good athlete. That being said, I also believe in my abilities and my camp. I have been working extremely hard and I’m anxious to see the fruits of my labors.
JYF:  Jodie will be a good test of where my skill is. I don’t believe there are any easy fights coming out of Jackson’s camp, but I know I possess the needed determination, ambition, and perseverance. There are very few things that I have failed at once I set my mind to it.


CS: What is your mood on fight night? Do you have any routines or superstitions that you have to perform?
JYF: I just try to stay calm and mellow. I usually go over things in my head that I may have had trouble with over the course of my camp. I also go over in my head what to do if I get put in a bad position.
JYF: That way, if it should happen, it’s fresh in my mind and I can stay composed. I don’t have any routines and I’m not much for superstition. Little things like that do not change the work I’ve put in.


CS: Aside from fight preparation, how much MMA do you watch purely for enjoyment?
JYF: I love watching MMA. I don’t watch any other sports besides combat sports. I like watching other people’s styles and flow.


CS: Outside of the gym and MMA, what types of activities do you enjoy for fun? What helps you to relax?
JYF: I’m an avid world traveler. I love getting out of my comfort zone and off the beaten track with my husband and our backpacks. We’ve recently started trying to climb a mountain in every country we go to. We started off climbing Ben Nevis in the Scottish Highlands, then the Peruvian Andes on our trek to Machu Picchu, and this year we tried to summit Cotopaxi in Ecuador. We fell about 2,000 feet short of the summit, but 17,000 feet is still much higher than I have ever been. I’ve done missions work in Kenya, seen original Van Gogh’s in Amsterdam, surfed in Fiji, and I still haven’t even put a dent in my bucket list.
JYF: I’m also a bookworm. When I’m not in school or training for a fight, I can easily devour 5 books a week.


CS: Lastly, MMA takes a team to succeed alone inside the cage. Who would you like to thank?
JYF:  My husband, my coaches, my manger Adolph, my team at Mohler MMA, the people at Team Takedown where I cross-train, and Invicta FC for believing in me enough to give me this opportunity.
JYF: Also, my amazing sponsors who help me on this crazy journey of mine: Gamma Labs, Apocalypse MMA, KV Cattle Co, #FritzFowler, and Damage Control Mouthguards.


Invicta FC 8 takes place September 6th live from the Municipal Auditorium in Kansas City, Missouri. The full card will air live via UFC Fight Pass. Click below for tickets, or to subscribe to UFC FightPass.







Fighting Words: JJ Aldrich

After an extensive amateur career, Colorado’s JJ Aldrich will make her professional debut September 6th at Invicta FC 8, when she quarrels with submission artist Delaney Owen.

Corey Smith: What was your first exposure to martial arts? What prompted you to continue training in martial arts?
JJ Aldrich: I started in martial arts when I was nine. My mom sent my sister and me to Tae Kwon Do, at a local rec center. It just clicked right away. I loved every second of it. Before I was into martial arts I grew up watching Bruce Lee and Chuck Norris movies, stuff like that. I was always into it as a kid.


CS: You had quite an extensive career as an amateur, what led you to the decision to turn pro?
JJA:I just finally feel like I have enough fights under me, and I finally got to the weight class that I needed to be at. One of my first fights was at 135 pounds, and now I am down to 115. I wasn’t in a rush; I wanted to make sure I learned everything that I needed to learn before I turned pro.


CS: You train out of the 303 Training Center in Colorado. What makes 303 your home? What advantages does training at altitude offer an athlete?
JJA: I train at 303 because they have the best coaches. Tony Basile, a great Jiu Jitsu black belt, turned his Jiu Jitsu into MMA really well. Also my training partners. I get to cross train with a lot of great people. The atmosphere there is great, everyone is so good. They really push you. It’s more like a family than a team.
JJA:The altitude, well today I went up to 1700 feet for running. So it’s a big advantage I feel. It’s a huge difference.


CS: You also cross train with Grudge Training Center members. Among them you have Invicta alum Rose Namajunas, and current Invicta athlete Cassie Robb. What is the team atmosphere like at Grudge?
JJA: 303 helps them out with their Jiu Jitsu, and Grudge helps us out with their striking. We get to cross train with whoever we want. I get to spar with all of their guys, which helps a lot. Cassie Robb, Rose, Stephanie Skinner, I get to spar with some of the best training partners around. I’ve trained with Raquel Pennington before. I have a lot of good training partners here in Colorado.


CS: Most fighters list the weight cut as the hardest aspect of being a fighter. Setting that aside, what do you consider the hardest aspect of being a fighter?
JJA: Honestly I would say the mental part. Going to class, going to the gym every single day and trying to give it your all. Pushing through injuries, and trying to stay mentally tough and mentally good. If you’re not mentally strong you go to the gym and do it half way all the time, and it doesn’t get you anywhere.


CS: What was the process that led to signing your Invicta FC contract? How has your experience been thus far with Invicta FC?
JJA: My last fight was against Ashley Greenway, who is also an Invicta athlete. After I fought that one and won, it was time to go pro so we made a movement toward Shannon Knapp. Hit her up on Twitter, sent her emails, and really just tried to get my name out to her. She started emailing me back and retweeting me, and before you know it I was signed.
JJA:Invicta has been awesome to me. I can’t believe that I got signed, and the same exact day I was signed I already had a fight. So they have been really good to me. They matched me up with a pretty fair fight. I don’t feel like anyone is really overmatched on either side of the fight card.


CS: Your opponent at Invicta FC 8, Delaney Owen, brings a strong submission game into the cage with her. What are you expecting out of the fight?
JJA: I’m sure she is going to take me down and try to submit me. She is a purple belt in Jiu Jitsu, and so am I. I don’t think that it is that big of a difference on the ground. I have a lot of submission victories too, so it will be a good fight.


CS: What is your mood on fight night? Do you have any routines or superstitions that you have to perform?
JJA:I don’t have any superstitions or anything; I just make sure I’m warmed up. I’m pretty relaxed when it comes to being in the back. I just try to relax, put my headsets on, talk or joke around a bit. I don’t like to take it too serious until it’s time to fight. Otherwise you get tense, which is not good.  Everybody has their way of preparing themselves to get ready.


CS: Who generally accompanies you to the cage? What type of feedback and coaching do you prefer from your corners?
JJA:Mike Gonzales, my head coach, normally goes with me everywhere. I like them to be calm, I don’t like it when they yell. If they do then I get frustrated, I just like them to tell me what I’m doing wrong or what I need to do better. If they can calm me down in-between rounds, then the minute or so you do get will go slower.


CS: Outside of the gym and MMA, what types of activities do you enjoy for fun? What helps you to relax?
JJA:As far as for fun, I just like to go for hikes, or do stuff like that. When I am just trying to relax I like to watch movies, or just hang out. I like action movies the best.


CS: Lastly, MMA takes a team to succeed alone inside the cage. Who would you like to thank?
JJA: First of all I want to thank all my teammates at 303 Training Center. Brittany Elkin, Stephanie Skinner, Cassie Robb, Rose Namajunas, and anyone else that I am not thinking of there.  They push me everyday.
JJA:I want to thank Rosa from White Buffalo Management, Mike Gonzalez, my corner.
JJA: Brawlin Combat Gear, Outlaw Fight Gear, Clinch Mouthguards, FYU Lifestyles, and Sic Chic Fight Gear.


Invicta FC 8 takes place September 6th live from the Municipal Auditorium in Kansas City, Missouri. The full card will air live via UFC Fight Pass.


Tickets for Invicta FC 8 may be purchased here.


Start your free 7 Day UFC FightPass Subscription here.



Fighting Words: Delaney Owen

A natural athlete from her youth, Florida’s Delaney Owen looks to remain undefeated when she joins fellow Invicta newcomer J.J. Aldrich in the cage September 6th at Invicta FC 8.

Corey Smith:
Before picking up martial arts, you were interested in becoming a professional triathlete, before your body essentially shut down. What was that situation like for you?

Delaney Owen:That was a scary time; no one really knew what was wrong with me. I was tired all the time and after I was diagnosed they told me I shouldn’t compete in sports anymore. I was devastated.

What led you to become interested in martial arts?

DO: I went with a friend to try out Brazilian Jiu Jitsu, I wanted to learn self defense. I really had little idea what it was about just that it was good for small people.

What keeps you involved in it today?

DO: The power to walk through life without fear.

Highlander MMA in Tampa is the gym you call home. What is the atmosphere like there?

DO: Well it’s been my only school, and my only instructor. I’ve trained with other people and schools the phrase “old school” comes to mind.

DO: Professor Yanez was fortunate enough to train under Professor Jorge Popovitch father of ADCC champion Pablo Popovitch, who at the time was just a purple belt when Yanez came to their academy. Yanez took from him that same attitude; he treats his students like family.

What made you want to call it home?

DO: Professor Yanez is a very intense person; he’s brash at times and outspoken. He’s very misunderstood. As they say the best masters are the ones that sacrifice everything for the art they love.

DO: He has believed in me from the start, and he has been a mentor and my best friend. I barley recognize the girl I was that walked into the class the first day, I watch martial arts movies now and realize “wow I’m a martial artist.”

You spoke several years ago about how your goal was to fight for Invicta FC. What do you think it means for female athletes to have a promotion that features only women?
DO: I remember watching Invicta and thinking how cool it must be to be one of these girls, for women how empowering to have an organization like this in a once male dominated sport.

After achieving your goal and signing with Invicta, how has your experience been like thus far with the company?

DO: I watched Julie Kedzie in Hook n Shoot DVDs I thought she was really sweet. I liked her and the way she changed in the ring, now she sends me emails lol. I admit I will be a little star struck it’s just awesome to think I’m part of this group of amazing athletes.

Your opponent at Invicta FC 8, JJ Aldrich, is making her professional debut against you. Do you believe that gives you any kind of advantage?

DO: Everyone has an advantage over me. 3 1/2 years ago I didn’t even know what UFC, Jiu Jitsu , or cage fighting existed. Most of these girls have been in martial arts for over 10 years. I just train hard and let my coaches worry bout those things.

What are you expecting out of the bout?

DO: I have never been the first fight of the night before, I’m sure it will be exciting and loud from anticipation.

You have stated that you have to find something to dislike in your opponent in order to fight them effectively. Why do you believe that is?

DO: Ha ha! That was a specific opponent. If a girl wants to make things personal so be it let’s dance! I’ve always been the nice girl the loyal friend until you do me wrong, then watch out!

Who generally accompanies you to the cage?

DO: My Coach and fiancé Mike Yanez and his brown belt Trent Lally, who has been to a lot of my most important fights.

What type of feedback and coaching do you prefer from your corners?

DO: We need a chapter for that lol! I know that silence is good!

Aside from fight preparation, how much MMA do you watch purely for enjoyment?

DO: Every fight from the fights on AXSTv to UFC. I support local MMA in the state of Florida and I even judge sometimes. Even old fights are better then some basketball or baseball finals live on TV. I watched live fights on New Year’s Eve, and I’ve watched them on the internet live from Japan at 5am.

Outside of the gym and MMA, what types of activities do you enjoy for fun?

DO: Watching fights at the bars with my teammates. I go to the beach sometimes but really I love to train.

What helps you to relax?

DO: Patron Margaritas! Sometimes really just 11 hours of sleep at a time is perfect.

Lastly, MMA takes a team to succeed alone inside the cage. Who would you like to thank?

DO: My fiancé Mike Yanez , all my Highlander Fight Team, my family, my sponsors, NALADOG, Brawl & Maul, Titan Medical, Covenant Business Solutions, The Press Box sports bar, Byrd & Gonzalez Attorney at Law, and South Tampa Smiles.

DO: My boxing instructor Chevelle Hallback.

DO: Fight fans can follow me on Twitter at @scrappydl, on Instagram at lilscrappydl and at my Facebook fan page, Delaney “lil Scrappy” Owen.

Invicta FC 8 takes place September 6th live from the Municipal Auditorium in Kansas City, Missouri. The full card will air live via UFC Fight Pass.


Tickets for Invicta FC 8 may be purchased here.


Start your free 7 Day UFC FightPass Subscription here.




Though Esther Lin remains conspicuous ringside at the largest bouts in combat sports, her iconic shots are anything but. Covering Invicta FC since its inception, Lin is widely recognized as the pinnacle of her profession in mixed martial arts.

Corey Smith: How did your passion for photography first come about? When was the first time realized you had a talent for it?

Esther Lin: I started in painting and film and my father is an artist so I have always been around the arts. I went to college for documentary production and cinematography and worked various jobs all over Hollywood until I landed a post-production job at a small production company that asked me to shoot production stills for their low-budget films.

EL: I spent weekends shooting production stills for a schoolmate who directed music videos and honestly, I was pretty terrible. But I kept doing it even after I left the job for yet another random production job.

CS: At what stage in your career did you first begin to photograph mixed martial arts shows? How did that opportunity come about?

EL: In late 2006, my fiancée Casey started working for ProElite and brought me in to work their in graphics and some productions. Then in early 2007 I went to my first MMA smoker in a local gym while doing production work for ProElite.  I brought along my camera and shot the fights and had a lot of good shots for my first fight ever.  I spent the next two years going to local events for the ProElite website.

EL: I wasn’t really a photographer before I shot MMA.  I did shoot and I did try to get jobs as a photographer, shot a few weddings and events, but I wouldn’t have introduced myself as a photographer.  From 2007, I have pretty much exclusively shot MMA and boxing.  In late 2008, EliteXC and ProElite laid me off and I spent the next six months living off my unemployment checks, honing my craft and trying to pick up freelance jobs as a photographer.

EL: Fighters Only Magazine then gave me my first cover, a photo I took of Kimbo Slice.  In April 2009, Strikeforce went on Showtime and I covered all the press events and the fight.  When I got to the fight, they didn’t have a cageside spot for me, shooting for Fighters Only Magazine, so I had to sit in press row.

EL: Instead of wasting the trip, I photographed all over the event, the walkouts, wide sprawling arena shots, different POVs of each fight from the audience and Ken Hershman, who was at Showtime but now at HBO, saw my gallery and asked me to come work for Strikeforce.

CS: What do you think Invicta FC does for the sport of Women’s MMA? How has your experience been with the company thus far?

EL: I think Invicta FC is a fantastic platform for WMMA. Actually, it’s a great platform for MMA.  MMA grows faster when the women’s divisions flourish as well.  I love working for Invicta FC.  It is my favorite promotion to shoot because the athletes are full of heart and love and just dears to photograph. The action is unparalleled and Invicta president Shannon Knapp allowed me and Casey creative freedom in our photography and video work.

CS: Other than MMA, what other sports do you shoot? What types of unique challenges are there while photographing a mixed martial arts event?

EL: I only shoot combat sports, mainly MMA and boxing.  MMA has the cage, which is a challenge, and ground fighting is difficult to photograph at certain angles while boxing is pretty easy, it’s just timing and a little luck.

CS: How much are you able to enjoy a bout while you are shooting it?

EL: I always enjoy shooting a fight. Maybe I’d be a better shooter if I wasn’t so into the fight.

CS: Are there any major differences in working a small show compared to a larger one?

EL: Big shows have more breaks, different timing, and brighter lights.  The athletes are mostly the same but there’s less access and intimacy at large shows.

CS: Have you faced any barriers as a female photographer in a largely male populated profession?

EL: There’s been a few times when people have suggested that I only have gotten work because I’m female, which is pretty ridiculous because I can tell you that it is not an advantage.  I don’t want to call anyone out but there have been a handful of times I’ve been passed up for less experienced male competition.  Their loss, though.

CS: Regardless of the sport, what do you believe is the key to an iconic shot?

EL: Story is key.

CS: You have a genuine love for the sport beyond a means of income. What do you love most about MMA?

EL: I just love all the stories.  Everyone involved from fighters to coaches to the people that build the cage.

CS: With the type of access you have to mixed martial arts athletes, what moments stand out in your mind?

EL: I remember my first press tour was a day with Gina Carano hitting up various media outlets in New York City in 2009 and that was really big for me.  I loved every countdown shoot I’ve done for Invicta.  And being in the locker rooms at Strikeforce was important for me, you see the before and after in the most intimate space.  And this last year I went on a nine-city press tour with Floyd Mayweather and Canelo Alvarez — perhaps the biggest series of events I’ve ever been a part of.

EL: I’ve also been at every major women’s bout from the first on CBS, Carano vs Cyborg, Ronda Rousey’s UFC debut, etc. I welled up with emotion when Ronda Rousey and Liz Carmouche walked out at the Honda Center.

CS: Lastly, who would you like to thank?

EL: I’d like to thank Casey for being my cheerleader. Showtime for giving me really huge opportunities, mainly Chris DeBlasio for his continual support of my art.  And Shannon Knapp for trusting that I know what I’m doing — and letting me do it.

Fighting Words: Natasha Wicks

Original Invicta FC Phoenix Girl Natasha Wicks has done it all; long distance running, modeling, and of course the aforementioned position with Invicta FC. Looking forward to continuing with Invicta FC, Natasha gives us her take on her wide ranging and unique career.

Corey Smith: Before any involvement in MMA, you are first and foremost a long distance runner. How did your love for that sport come about?

Natasha Wicks: It all starts with my parents. My father was a sprinter; a red haired, golden-eyed Irishman who could medal in the shorter distances. While my mother was a distance runner; she holds the first ever High school Cross-countryState championship medal for a woman in Las Vegas. Combine the two and you have me, the human Seabiscuit. I began running with my mom in the morning before home school in 8th grade and went to Public high school so that I could compete in XC (Cross Country) and T&F (Track And Field).

NW: I ended up at NorthernArizonaUniversity, a Division 1 school, on a full ride academic and athletic scholarship. My dad died when I was young and there is something in me that feels I keep him “alive” in me through my running. Running is in my blood, nothing excites me more then competing.

CS: You spoke in the past about training for the 2016 Summer Olympics. Are you still training towards that goal?

NW: That has been a goal of mine since high school. Competing in the Olympics. Because of some serious injuries after college, I stopped running altogether and went through a depression because of it. I was always “Natasha Wicks the Runner” and felt like nobody if I wasn’t racing/winning. Now that I am healthy and have the most amazing team around me, I feel like I can really show what I am capable of as an athlete. If I end up being ready and a true competitor by 2016, then I will try. But in all truth, I so much prefer trail racing since I am a long distance runner… 25 laps on a track can be hell at times. Haha.

CS: As part of your training regime, you adhere to a pretty strict juice diet. What are the benefits of such a diet? What are the challenges of a juice diet?

NW: I do Juice fasts, cleanses and intermittent fasting throughout the year. I juice everyday, but that is usually with a meal. The benefits are vast! Fasting, cleansing and detoxing are all great to give your body a reboot, to flush out inflammation and fungus and keep my body functioning at the highest level. It is impossible to compete at the highest level if you don’t keep your machine fine tuned on the inside as well as the outside. The challenges of doing cleanses and fasts is really only hard for the first 3-4 days then it’s easy. It’s only hard because I love food. ;)

CS: At what point did you begin to model full time? How did that portion of your career come about?

NW: I began modeling at the end of 2007 and was in full force model mode all through 2008 and on. The kick start happened in Hawaii were it was brought to my attention that models are not all tall and that I could have a real career in it. So I figured I’d try and give it a go.

CS: You were selected to be a UFC Octagon Girl via a national search. What was that experience like for you?

NW: Winning the UFC/Maxim Octagon Girl Search was definitely a life changing moment. It has brought me to where I am today and I wouldn’t want it any other way. I only submitted my Bio and photos because it was for a coveted position in a ever growing sports organization. And I love my sports!

NW: Upon arrival though, I quickly decided to just have fun because I did not see myself winning. Thousands of girls submitted themselves to be in the top 40 that would compete at the UFC expo for UFC 100. When they announced me the winner at the end of 3 rounds, I was beyond ecstatic and at the time didn’t really realize how big a deal it was. And working as an Octagon Girl was so much fun!

NW: Despite the random hatred I get from Arianny, I really loved working the fights with her, Logan and Leslie our Octagon mom. Always being goofy and talking about boys and the awkward weigh-in moments…. it was a laugh fest. I loved being there, watching the fights live, signing autographs and having my hair pulled to come back and sign someone’s shirt. ;)

CS: As the original Phoenix Girl for Invicta FC, what has your experience been like thus far with the company? What differences are there between Invicta FC and other promotions?

NW: Being personally selected by Invicta president Shannon Knapp to be her first official Phoenix Girl/Ring girl was such an honor. I love that she views me as a strong woman who represents other strong woman in the first ever all woman’s MMA organization. Shannon Knapp gave me the task of putting the Phoenix Girls/Ring girls together as well.

NW: Before any outfit decisions she asked my opinion and has always made me feel like a valuable asset to this ever growing organization. I’ve been at all 7 of the fight events and have seen so many big changes all ready. All good! The vision, Organization, and staff are all top notch and the athletes truly are some of the most amazing woman. Being surrounded by athletes, especially women, pushes me and inspires me in my own sport.

NW: The difference between Invicta and other promotions is that it is all about the athletes. Shannon Knapp created a stage for woman from all over the world to display their skills and she takes everyone into consideration and pulls out all the stops. And because the athletes and the employees see how much Shannon does for them, they have so much more respect for her. There is something comfortable about being at Invicta’s events. You feel like an important and valuable team player. I am sure all the athletes and staff feel the same way. I’ve never seen nor felt that way in any other organization.

CS: Between running, modeling, and your work within the MMA world, your professional plate seems to be rather full. Do you think it is important to have varied interests and professional opportunities?

NW: My plate is definitely full! But in all good ways. I am doing what I love and what makes me the happiest. Training full time with a part time job at a Specialty Running Store(Running Revolution) makes for a very relaxed and stress free life. To add all the companies I represent, gigs, shoots and Invicta events on top doesn’t really change much. Modeling can be time consuming, depending on the gig, but it is so easy. I love the variety of it all. Keeps me interested. Haha. I am a very active and adventurous person so getting to travel for work and getting paid to play dress up has been a dream the last 4 years.

CS: You have participated in two overseas tours for American Troops. What were those experiences like?

NW: The first Tour for the Troops that I did was in Iraq and Kuwait in 2011. I was invited by Amber Nichole Miller, the OG UFC octagon girl whom I had only met and worked with once at a gig in Vegas. Karaoke brings people together lol. The Tour was so rad! We visited the different bases, talking to the soldiers and hearing about all the different jobs and positions. We flew around on Black Hawks, shot Sniper 50 calibers, machine guns, made a bomb.

NW: My grandpa served in WWII and I have brothers in the army, so I loved that I was able to show my love and support to all the men and woman who have sacrificed so much for our country. The second Tour for the Troops was in 2013 in the Middle East as well; 6 countries on that Tour. Just like the first, I had such an amazing time and hope to do many more. I love our Troops!

CS: Outside of your professional interests, what types of activities do you enjoy?

NW: Outside of Running, Ring-girling and modeling I have quite the array of interests and hobbies. I love to sew, crochet, stitch;  in fact in college I started making my own handbags for fun and it very quickly turned into a little business for me. I probably made over 200 bags and even made some shoes and jeans. I’ll still make them from time to time as a gift.

NW:  I was an Art student in College, so I still enjoy drawing/painting. I love photography, skateboarding(since my road rash of 2011 I avoid hills), cooking, baking, gardening, watching movies, writing, scrapbooking, rock-climbing, surfing, hiking, shopping, traveling…. ;)

CS: Lastly, it takes a team behind you to succeed. Who would you like to thank?

NW: First and foremost I want to thank Invicta, Shannon Knapp, for bringing me into this amazing organization. I want to thank my running sponsors Oak Grove Technologies and Premiere Spine and sport.

NW:  My team of trainers at The Riekes Center, always taking my fitness to the next level. Thank you to the team at SNAC, monitoring me on the inside and supplying me with the best supplements.

NW: I want to thank Apocalypse MMA for working with me and creating the most beautiful website. Thank you to Randy Couture and all the guys at Kountermove for putting my face on all over their company.

NW:  And of course a big thank you to all my fans, they have continued to follow and support me in everything that I pursue. I wouldn’t be where I am without my fans!


Lauren Murphy recently defeated Miriam Nakamoto at Invicta FC 7 for the inaugural Invicta FC Bantamweight Championship, and shared with us her thoughts about her win, what has changed for her, and most importantly; where she keeps the Invicta FC title belt.

Corey Smith: The coverage of your remarkable life story has been fairly in depth. What do you think it is about your life that seems to draw so much attention?

Lauren Murphy: I don’t know! My life seems pretty normal to me, haha! I actually think that’s why people like it. I’m just a normal person. I wasn’t raised to be a champion, I haven’t been an athlete since I was a kid, I am not an Olympian, and I’m not a black belt in ANYTHING.

LM: I’m just a normal person who had some struggles, which I believe everyone has in some way or another. I’m just your average Lauren, who worked really hard, and achieved some cool things doing something I love. People look at me and they can relate to that. If I can do it, maybe anyone can do it. It’s hopeful.

CS: You recently defeated Miriam Nakamoto for the inaugural Invicta FC Bantamweight Championship. What was your game plan going into that bout? How much did the fight deviate from how you envisioned it?

LM: It didn’t really deviate until she didn’t stand up in the fourth round. Our game plan was solid, in my mind. We knew I would have some trouble with her on the feet, of course! I would hope so, she’s a Muay Thai stud, right?!

LM: But, I didn’t want to run out there and shoot on her right away. To me, in a way, that seemed cowardly, and the fans don’t want to see that. I’m here to fight! I wanted to show her, and everyone else, that I was willing to stand and trade with one of the best strikers in the world. So that’s what I did.

LM: I know she got the better of me on our feet, but I landed enough punches hard enough to bloody her nose and let her know she couldn’t knock me out. I’ve only trained for four years, so to stand with an 8-time world champ who has trained for 14, I’m proud of that.

LM: We also figured she would get tired in the third and later rounds, and wouldn’t be as likely to stop a takedown. But shooting on her, in the open, when she’s fresh, that’s just dumb. That’s a great way to eat one of her infamous knees. So we weren’t going to do that.

CS: Nakamoto suffered a knee injury in the bout, and was unable to continue. What are your thoughts on how the bout ended?

LM: There is no doubt Miriam was hurt, and I think that’s too bad. You never want to see an athlete get seriously hurt like that. Some people have said I don’t deserve that belt and that she should have won. I think that’s just silly, for a lot of reasons. Miriam asked for that fight to be stopped, not me. She fell and did not pull guard or try to fight off her back. She did not look for sweeps or armbars or anything.

LM: We were not even in striking distance when she fell, yet she rolled and turned her back. There were a lot of pics on social media of her later, training the day after surgery and such, doing Jiu Jitsu and whatever else. I saw that many people thought that was very amazing, and I just had to wonder, why wasn’t any Jiu Jitsu done during the fight, when it counted? When the world championship was on the line, where was the toughness and heart that would allow her to return to training one day after surgery?

LM: Many fighters have fought with torn up ACL’s, for instance, Conor McGregor went on to put on the fight of his life with one, so it is possible. “The mind rules the body”, as they say. I’m not saying she wasn’t hurt. I am saying, if she wanted to win, she should have kept fighting. It’s not my fault she didn’t continue. If the fans have an issue with it, I believe they should take it up with her.

LM: I was willing to fight Miriam on one leg. I would have crawled out to the 4th and 5th rounds if I had to, that’s how badly I wanted win. Some fighters would rather quit than take an ass beating. Me, I’d rather take an ass beating than ever quit. That’s why I am the champion.

CS: Can you tell us what you said to Miriam before the official decision was announced?

LM: Yeah, I just asked her what happened.

CS: What do you think will be the biggest difference between winning the belt and defending the belt?

LM: Nothing changes as far as my mindset goes. I have always worked really hard and improved by leaps and bounds between each fight. That won’t change. What has changed, maybe, is everyone else’s mindset. Now they have to come get me and try to take what’s mine. That means they’ll be hungry. But I’ll be hungrier. I always have been. I still am. I still have something to prove.

CS: As champion, what are your thoughts on the Invicta Bantamweight division?

LM: It’s great!! I have fought three really tough girls in there so far J, so I would say it’s full of talent. I think there are a lot of very good up and comers that are young, hungry and talented. It’s exciting. I can’t wait to see how the story of the bantamweight division unfolds.

CS: This January you provided commentary for your home state promotion, Alaska Fighting Championships. How did that come about? What was the experience like for you?

LM: It was really a lot of fun! The AFC has always been good to me. I am actually the title holder for the women’s division there, so the owner (Sarah Lorimer) found out I was coming to Alaska for a while and asked if I would like to commentate. I was nervous the first fight, but got the hang of it quickly. The guy I commentated with, Kevin Avellar, has been commentating a long time, so he knew how to fill the silences, what to talk about, how to introduce the fighters, etc.

LM: I have a lot of respect for good commentators; they can make or break a promotion trying to get home viewers! It was a very cool experience and I hope to be able to do it again sometime.

CS: Some champions sleep with the belt, others put it up on the mantle. Where do you keep the title belt?

LM: HA! Actually, it’s been toted around in my backpack through airports and across state lines in my car maybe more than anything since I won it. I have been travelling a lot, and it’s been coming with me. Everyone wants to take pictures with it, and I am more than happy to break it out anytime someone asks. I like showing it off.

CS: What was the reaction like your first time back at your home gym after you won the championship? Are there any perks of being champion? A closer parking spot perhaps?

LM: HA! I usually park on the sidewalk anyway ;) I got a lot of hugs from my team mates and a lot of kids wanted to hold it and wear it, but other than that, people treat me pretty much the same….I really only try to associate with good, positive people anyway, soooo……it’s hard to tell a difference!!  I can tell my coaches are proud are proud of me, and that means a lot. A big part of me fights hard to make them proud, because they take so much time with me.

LM: Other than that, I noticed I basically have a big target on my back now, because everyone wants to be able to say they beat up the champ, whether it’s kickboxing, BJJ, wrestling, whatever. So I basically have to work twice as hard and take much more punishment. It’s really a good thing I like that sort of stuff ;)

CS: Lastly, it takes a team to succeed alone inside the cage. Who would you like to thank?

LM: I want to thank Gracie Barra Katy. My coaches Pat Applegate, Alex Cisne, and Aaron Pena have brought me a long way in the last year. In one year they turned me into the fighter I am, and that’s pretty amazing. Pat especially has put in a TON of time with me. I am so grateful to him and to his family.

LM:  My husband has also been a huge support to me through all of this. He’s amazing, and I absolutely would not be here if it weren’t for him.

LM:  My team mates at GBK are awesome; the belt, as well as my last four victories, are theirs as much as mine. They are a phenomenal team and I love them like brothers.