Brash and outspoken fan favorite from down under, Bec Hyatt storms back into the Invicta FC cage on July 13th to take on Japanese sensation Mizuki Inoue.

Like the Tasmanian Devil of her home, Hyatt has exploded onto the MMA scene with two previous bouts under the Invicta FC banner. Always looking to entertain her ever growing fan base, Hyatt never backs down from a challenge, and Mizuki Inoue will be no different.

Corey Smith: Getting right to the important topics, you won the Invicta FC Harlem Shake contest before IFC 5. How important was that win for you?

Bec Hyatt: It was really cool to win the contest!  I’m planning on taking my two boys to Movie World with the money. The cheque only just cleared as this fight camp started, so we have to wait till I’m back from Invicta FC 6  :)

CS: You have quickly become one of the most popular Invicta athletes. Do you feel any added pressure to perform due to the popularity?

BH: No not at all, I’m just really enjoying the ride. I’m pretty lucky I have a laid back personality and  I’m not phased by much.

CS: Leading up to your bout at Invicta FC 5, there was a lot of tension between yourself and your opponent, Jasminka Cive. After your victory, do you feel like that is behind you?

BH: There was A LOT of tension between Jasminka and myself :) But I went out there and did exactly what I said I was going to do and I’m at peace with that :)

CS: Before Invicta FC 5, you also had a bit of a run in with Fallon Fox, a non Invicta athlete. Do you think that your outspoken personality unfairly leads to these types of situations?

BH: Oh man I swear there is never a dull moment, I always have some kind of drama in my life and that day it was Fallon Fox in all her glory trying to pick a fight with a straweight. I think I’m a drama magnet due to my out spoken, don’t give a shit kind of attitude I have ;)

CS: You now have two American fights under your belt. Do you feel like you have properly adjusted to fighting on another continent? What is your travel schedule like coming from Australia?

BH: My first trip over to fight Carla Esparza for the straweight title was cwazyyy to say the least. I was on such a high on the flight over and the little time I had in the US flew by so quickly. And before I knew it I was home eating Nutella cupcakes, sulking because I wanted to go back.

BH:  Invicta must of heard me and brought me straight back to face Jasminka, that trip was 27 hours of hell but wasn’t so hectic once the airline found my teams luggage and we had a good night’s rest! Fingers crossed they don’t lose my luggage this flight over so I can be super relaxed and enjoy every second I have in the US.

CS: What do you enjoy about fighting for Invicta Fighting Championships?

BH: Invicta is amazing; they treat their athletes like royalty and genuinely care about us. It’s a really nice feeling to know you’re in safe hands and I really really really like all the goodie bags and gifts they surprise me with each fight.

CS: At Invicta FC 6 on July  13th, you will be facing Japanese wunderkid Mizuki Inoue. How familiar are you with her skills and her career? What do you anticipate out of the match?

BH: I personally don’t know much about Mizuki. It sounds weird, but I don’t really study my opponents, I leave that to my head coach Mal Van. He uses his secret ninja powers and hunts down fight footage and anything else he feels relevant. He then comes to me with a game plan, I train what he tells me to train with no questions asked… It seems to of worked so far so I didn’t feel the need to change anything this time around.

BH: As for what I am expecting, I’m expecting what happens in most of my fights; she will come out to stand with me until I land one of my bombs on her dome!  And she will no likey to stand no more and will try to take the fight to the ground ;)

CS: Where do you think a win versus Inoue would put you towards your stated goal of another shot at the Invicta FC Straweight title?

BH:  I think it gets me one fight closer. I’m not silly I know I have to win at least 2 or 3 more fights before Invicta would even consider me as a title contender, buuuut I’m cool with climbing the ladder.

CS: What does a typical day of training look like for you? How do you maintain your motivation and energy levels through a training camp?

BH: A typical day of training for me during fight camp consists of dragging my lily white butt outta bed at some ungodly hour to tend to my two little ones, feed them yummy food that I can’t eat and automatically puts me in a no go zone. LOL.

BH: I then head to the gym to lift weights or to a local spot where I run stair sprints, after that I head home to re fuel for my afternoon session of wrestling, sparing or swimming depending on what The Croc Aka Mal Van has planned for me.

BH:  Then its food time again IF I’ve been good that day and haven’t snuck nutella into my diet which is probably never.  At night I have fight training at Impact MMA,  which starts off with a S&C circuit followed by either MMA, BJJ, Freestyle Wrestling, Striking or sparing.

CS: On the night of the fight, what is your mindset like? What is the mood in your locker room?

BH: I’m pretty chill come fight night, if anything I’m really excited to punch someone in the face :) I get little nerves but that’s because I HATE losing.

CS: Who generally accompanies you to the cage? What type of in cage feedback do you prefer?

BH: My head coach Mal Van is the guy I listen too :) He knows how to speak “Rowdy” language as he calls it. LOL.

CS: You are renowned for your interaction with your fans, so what is the best advice you have ever received from a fan?

BH: I love my supporters, I always say it and I’m going to say it again; I have THE BEST supporters ever! I’m not real sure what the best advice I’ve been given but I must say I loved being reminded that I had a vagina after my last weigh in pic was released. LOL. If it wasn’t for them I would have completely forgotten ;)

CS: Most importantly, having been raised on the island of Tasmania, how often do you see Tasmanian Devils? And are they as mean as they are portrayed?

BH: I have seen them at the zoo but that’s about it, they are pretty vicious so I’m kinda glad it was behind a closure :)

CS: Lastly, MMA is as much a team sport as it is an individual one. Who would you like to thank?

BH: I’d like to thank my gym Impact MMA, Mal Van and all my training partners.

BH:  My major sponsor Americana MMA, Innate Vitality, FACAA, ACR Security, Promo Shack, NRF Australia, Alchemist Management, Gamebred Combat Club, Empire martial Arts

BH:  And a big thanks to my family and friends that play a huge role in my success with their support. Especially the past few months when I needed it the most :)

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