Fighting Words: Veronica Rothenhausler

Making her second appearance in the Invicta FC cage September 6th, Veronica Rothenhausler will open the newly minted 155lb division with a grudge matach against Charmaine Tweet.

After engaging in a war of words over the past few months, both athletes are ready to settle the score, and claim the first win in the 155lb division.


Corey Smith: You will be part of the very first 155lb divisional bout at Invicta FC 8 this September, what are the advantages of a higher weight class for you?

Veronica Rothenhausler: Well, having my liver fully functional will be nice. Those extra ten pounds are going to be huge for me. 155 is where I belong.


CS: You train at Team Alpha Male, which has had a very successful run as of late. What is the team atmosphere like there?

VR: Team Alpha Male has been the place to be, not just as of the last few months but the years leading up to them as well. It’s so great to come into the gym and be surrounded with bad ass athletes of all sizes. We work harder than anybody and have a great time doing it. We all have the same end goal so it makes it easy to flow.


CS: Your upcoming bout will end a long layoff for you. Are you concerned with ring rust?

VR: Hell no. I’ve been training for this fight for a year and a half. No rust here.


CS: What does a typical day of training camp entail for you?

VR: I have a different schedule every day of the week. I usually have 2-3 training sessions a day as well as getting in my cardio.


CS: What helps keep you focused during a long training camp?

VR: I wanna be the champ.  I know it takes blood and sweat to get there so lets do it.


CS: Most fighters list the weight cut as the hardest aspect of being a fighter. Setting that aside, what do you consider the hardest aspect of being a fighter?

VR: Unfortunately, setting the weight cut aside isn’t an option!


CS: Your opponent at Invicta FC 8, Charmaine Tweet, and yourself have engaged in a rather heated war of words leading up to September 6th. How excited are you to step into the ring with her?

VR:  Haha. Very.

CS: What is your mood on fight night?

VR: I feel calm before a fight. Just like, let’s do this shit. I like to be present in every second and really soak it in.

CS: Do you have any routines or superstitions that you have to perform?

VR: Yes. I grew up being a ball player so I definitely have some pre fight superstitions.

CS: Who generally accompanies you to the cage?

VR:  I’ll have Danny Castillo with me this time, but my boys always have my back.

CS: Outside of the gym and MMA, what types of activities do you enjoy for fun? What helps you to relax?

VR: I like to play the guitar and play with our dogs. My man, Zach and I also enjoy spending time in our garden. Not only is it relaxing, but harvesting all of our delicious fruits and veggies is very rewarding.

CS: Lastly, MMA takes a team to succeed alone inside the cage. Who would you like to thank?

VR: Everybody at TAM, MMA Inc Management, my friends and family for being so supportive, Faber for showing me what it’s like to be a boss, and I’d like to thank Shannon and Invicta for being awesome.

Invicta FC 8 takes place September 6th live from the Municipal Auditorium in Kansas City, Missouri. The full card will air live via UFC Fight Pass. Click below for tickets, or to subscribe to UFC FightPass.










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