Fighting Words: Charmaine Tweet

September 6th 2014 will mark the debut of the Invicta FC 155lb division, with Canadian Charmaine Tweet one half of the equation at Invicta FC 8.
Finally stepping into the cage with a rival has it’s own reward, but Tweet remains focused on capturing the first win of the 155lb division at Invicta FC 8.


Corey Smith: During the layoff, you kept yourself busy with a Victory in May.  How important was it for you to not allow ring rust to set in?
Charmaine Tweet: I never really think about ring rust, for me it is more about attaining my goal of having at least one fight per quarter.  I have yet to achieve that goal, as I am averaging three fights per year, but I love to fight and the more often I can, the happier I am. One of the things I love about being with Invicta is that I am able to fight for other promotions here in Canada, so long as what I am doing does not interfere with any Invicta bouts I have scheduled.


CS: MMA in Canada is virtually as popular as it in the United States.  Are there major differences in the MMA communities in the United States and Canada?
CT: I would say that the MMA community in Canada is pretty much the same as it is in the States, except our fighters say “eh” a lot more and wear “gotch” instead of underwear.   All kidding aside, it is very similar in that we train hard and fight hard!
CT: It is a very tight knit community and when you fight on a card here, chances are you are fighting on the same card as someone you know, and even though they may be from another province the two of you have most likely fought on other cards together in the past.  There are the inevitable rivalries between competing gyms and training centers…

CS: With training camp injuries a common occurrence in MMA, how do you balance getting the full amount of training that you require but still guard against injury?
CT: I choose my training partners wisely…
CT: There are people with whom I will train when I am not in fight camp, but politely turn down in the midst of a camp.  I try not to come off as a diva but, since I know that there are people that I’m more likely to get injured training with, my health and safety are my primary concern.  Obviously, things happen and you can’t avoid all injuries, but I feel it is unfair to my opponent if I sustain an injury that could have been avoided but making wise training choices.


CS: This bout will mark the opening of the 155lb division in Invicta FC.  Does that hold any special meaning for you?  How much of a difference will it make to be fighting at 155 compared to 145?
CT: I feel that it is ground breaking for a promotion that has a viewing platform as prominent as UFC Fight Pass to be debuting a heavier weight class and I am so proud to be part of it.  I have said for years that there is so much talent out there that doesn’t get to showcase their stuff because they cannot cut to 145lbs.
CT: I think this is a stepping stone to bringing in more divisions above 155lbs, which I feel is important because, in my personal opinion, cutting anything more than a few pounds to make a certain division is detrimental to a fighter’s health and to the strength of their fighting performance.  I truly feel that if we can put an end to these crazy weight cuts we are going to see stronger more exciting fights.  Stronger and more exciting pretty much describes the difference fighting at 155lbs will make compared to 145lbs!



CS: Your opponent on September 6th, Veronica Rothenhausler, and you have engaged in quite the war of words before the fight was announced; how important was it to you to step into the cage with Veronica?
CT: Let’s just put it this way, it’s time for this old dog to teach the young pup a thing or two!


CS: What is your mood on fight night?  Do you have any routines of superstitions that you have to perform?
CT: On fight night, I think the best way to describe me is a focused calm before the storm.  I have never had a pre-fight ritual, but do have a couple of superstitions.  I will not wear any article of clothing that I have worn in a fight which I have lost, nor will I walk in to the same ring music.  So, unfortunately, as much as I love “Fatty Boom Boom”, by Die Antwoord, I will not be walking into it on September 6th.


CS: Who generally accompanies you to the cage?  What type of feedback and coaching do you prefer from your corners?
CT: Lol, a lot of the time who I have in my corner depends on who, out of my coaches, can get time off from their day job.  In a perfect world I like to have a striking coach and a Jiu Jitsu coach.  My coaches are the eyes in the back of my head, they get an overall view of what is happening in the cage and I like to have them point out the stuff that I might not be cueing on when I am in trouble in a match.
CT: I like them to tell me very little if what I am doing is working because if they are constantly telling me which move to make, they may as well be coaching my opponent on how to counter me.


CS: Most fans love to give fighters advice before a fight.  What is the best advice you have ever received before a fight?
CT: I honestly can’t remember, I am usually so focused on the game plans my coaches set out for me.  The best advice any local fans could give me in the future would be the best place to eat or the coolest sites to see while I am in their city. ;)


CS: Aside from fight preparation, how much MMA do you watch purely for enjoyment?
CT: Oooh, you caught me on this one.  Unless I have a vested interest, for instance if there is an Invicta Card on, or there is someone I know personally, or someone I really want to see lose (read Rhonda Rousey) fighting, I actually watch very little MMA purely for enjoyment.  However, when it comes to sports, I have always been like that; I would much prefer to be competing myself or training than sitting and watching.


CS: Outside of the gym and MMA, what types of activities do you enjoy for fun?  What helps you to relax?
CT: When I have some down time, which is rare, I like to read books and watch movies with my husband.  In addition, I LOVE to watch my kids in the activities they compete in; football and basketball for my youngest son and wrestling for my oldest.


CS: Lastly, MMA takes a team to succeed alone inside the cage.  Who would you like to thank?
CT: I would first and foremost like to thank my coaches and all of the people are helping me prepare for Invicta 8: Jeff Wiley, Nolan Collar, Deryl Bangsund,  Myke Yee, Moses Ali, and Dan McGee.
CT: Things would be greatly amiss if I did not give a huge shout out to my Husband/ Manager Cord Crowthers; he does so much for me and for the sport of WMMA!
CT: In addition I send much gratitude out to the women who attended our “Eve-olution” training camp in June: Maureen “Baby Face” Riordan (keep an eye out for her in my corner on Sept 6th!), Roma “Panther” Pawelek, Summer “Critter” Bradshaw, Jackie Baker, Angel Anderson, Carly Short and Heather Wilson.  It was amazing having these talented women up in Regina to train with.  I have made some really good friends through this experience.
CT: I also send much love and many thanks out to my sponsors: London Jacks Authentic British Fish and Chips, Stellar Gear ,Misfit Made ,X-ion-X, and  King Eddie and MMA Comix.
CT: Also PSCR – Shawn Burdette The Computer Guy, Canada Whey, Comtech, and Weyburn Jiffy Lube.
CT: And of course I have to thank my family, friends and fans for their continued support.



Invicta FC 8 takes place September 6th live from the Municipal Auditorium in Kansas City, Missouri. The full card will air live via UFC Fight Pass. Click below for tickets, or to subscribe to UFC FightPass.









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