Dubbed the “Tiny Tornado” for her whirlwind fighting style inside the cage, Tecia Torres will lock horns with Felice Herrig December 7th at Invicta FC 7.

Though Herrig represents a significant jump in terms of experience, Torres believes she possesses the tools to secure a win December 7th, and is ready to show she can be counted among the very best at 115 pounds.

Corey Smith: After a busy amateur career, you turned professional in October of 2012. How has the experience been like thus far?

Tecia Torres: I am really glad I choose to turn pro last year. I feel like I made the right choices at the right time. I came into the professional arena at a great time for women. The sport is expanding and there are more options now for us. Especially with Invicta and now the UFC offering two weight classes. It has been super thus far. Every aspect of my training, fight life, and fans/media has grown. I am happy with my continued success and progress. I look forward to a bright future.

CS: All of your professional fights have come under the Invicta banner. How would you describe your relationship with the company?

TT: Invicta is simply amazing. Shannon and everyone who stands behind the Invicta banner have been so supportive of WMMA and doing all they can to expand and mainstream us even more so. I love it and am grateful for all the opportunities Invicta has given me and will give me.

CS: You currently train out of American Top Team in Florida. What makes ATT the gym you want to call home? How would you describe the atmosphere at ATT?

TT: I call American Top Team my home because it is a world class facility that breeds champions and top world fighters. I have access to everything I need as a fighter. I train with some of the very best fighters in the world, including women who are my peers.

CS: With training camp injuries a common occurrence in MMA, how do you balance getting the full amount of training that you require but still guarding against injury? What does a typical day of training camp entail for you?

TT: Thankfully I’ve stayed injury free throughout all of my training camps thus far. I listen to my body. When I need rest, I rest. A typical day of training consists of 2x a day. My morning session is typically harder, more explosive and the evening session is technique, drills. I also do a lot of 1 on 1 sessions with my boxing and Thai coaches. Plus strength and conditioning and any other random training sessions. For example, I like to attend women only BJJ/grappling sessions held once a month in town. It gets me different looks and fresh faces.

CS: Your opponent at Invicta FC 7 on December 7th, Felice Herrig, represents a significant jump in competition. What do you think a win would mean for your career? What are your thoughts on the bout?

TT: I believe that the matchup against Felice Herrig is most definitely a step up in competition, but at the same time I know that I am right in her league. I’m ready to exchange with the “lil bulldog.” Its surreal, a year ago I was the #1 amateur at 115lbs and now on Dec 7th I will face the #5 in the World Professional Straw weight. I’ve come along way in a short period of time. It’s my time to show all I have and make everything I can out of this opportunity. A win would place me even more so amongst the very best in WMMA at 115lbs. It would put me even closer to a title shot and potentially being the champion one day.

CS: Who generally accompanies you to the cage? What type of feedback and coaching do you prefer from your corners?

TT: Normally a coach, a girl training partner, and my brother accompany me in the cage. I like positive reinforcement and hearing familiar voices.

CS: For those that have not experienced it, how would you describe the walk out to the cage?

TT: For me the walk out to the cage is lots of fun and smiles. I’m in the zone, which is my own zone. I like to wave to the crowd, look around and see/feel the energy. I’m at my happiest. I’m about to do what I love most!

CS: Most fighters list the weight cut as the hardest aspect of being a fighter. Setting that aside, what do you consider the hardest aspect of being a fighter?

TT: The hardest aspect of being a fighter to me is just balancing my time. I’m always on the go and want to do everything.

CS: Your coach orders you to take a day off from training. How are you spending that day?

TT: At the beach, with friends and family, out to dinner or the movies. Simple stuff. Shopping too.

CS: Lastly, it takes a team to succeed alone inside the cage. Who would you like to thank?

TT: I would like to thank everyone at American Top Team my coaches and teammates.

TT:  My Sponsors, family, friends, and fans for supporting me.

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