Barb Honchak defends her Invicta FC Would Flyweight Championship for the first time on December 7th when she faces off against exciting fan favorite Leslie Smith at Invicta FC 7.

A product of the world famous Miletich Fighting Systems,  Honchak believes her well rounded game plan will have her ready for anything Smith can throw at her when they are locked in the cage December 7th.

Corey Smith: You have risen to pinnacle of the sport, winning the Invicta FC Flyweight World Championship in April of this year. When did you first start the climb up the mountain? What were those first few years like for you?

Barb Honchak: It’s been a trying and exciting few years which has taken a lot of discipline; but fun along the way.  Not only for me, woman’s MMA and Invicta.

CS: You train out of famed Miletich Fighting Systems in Iowa. What does a typical training day look like for you? How do you guard against injury during training?

BH:  Every day there’s some type of conditioning, technique and sparing everyday.  The room is filled with elite level fighters that know how to take care of each other.

CS: You will be defending your title for the first time against Leslie Smith on December 7th. How has your mental attitude changed for a title defense versus being the challenger?

BH: My mental attitude hasn’t change, it’s just another fight, just another girl so really no change.

CS: What do you believe is the key to the matchup against Leslie Smith at Invicta FC 7?

BH: I’m a well rounded fighter and I feel I can win in any aspect of the fight.

CS: What is your mood on fight night? Do you have any routines or superstitions that you have to perform?

BH: I like to stay focused, calm and to conserve as much energy as possible for the fight.

CS: Who generally accompanies you to the cage? What type of feedback and coaching do you prefer from your corners?

BH: My husband and Jr Hernandez are my 2 corners.  I like my corners to be honest and direct with me at all times.

CS: For those that have not experienced it, how would you describe the walk out to the cage?

BH:  It’s exciting; especially in Kansas City I always have a lot of friends, family and teammates there to fire me up.

CS: Aside from fight preparation, how much MMA do you watch purely for enjoyment?

BH:  I watch a lot of the UFC and of course Invicta fights. Pat Miletich, one of my coaches is the commentator for AXStv, so I like to hear him call fights.

CS: Your coach orders you to take a day off from training and bars you from the gym. How are you spending that day?

BH:  First off that never happens, but if it did I would spend the day running my dogs and being a home body.

CS: Lastly, MMA takes a team to succeed alone inside the cage. Who would you like to thank?

BH:  Josh Howatt @ Big 5 Strength and Conditioning.

BH: And All of my coaches and teammates and Miletech fighting systems.

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